Friday, August 28, 2009


"Ohmygod, what is that?"

"Ewwwww.... gross! I thought I got away from those!"

"It looks like a centipede! ... Do you mind if I kill it?"

"By all means, kill it. I don't care."

Such was the conversation one of my suitmates and I held at 08:45 this morning, after she made an all too gross discovery. Apparently, our dorm has become a home to house centipedes... nasty little creatures with way too many legs and a creepy-crawly walk. The strange thing about it is, despite the fact that yes, we do have a lot of stuff in a small area, we're actually very clean. It's not like any of us live in pig sties or something like that.

As my suitmate danced around in the area right in front of the bathroom, I couldn't help but to be slightly amused once more. We used to get those all the time at the pool, and I kid you not, I did the exact same thing, only on a guard stand. It usually started with Jimmy putting umbrella's up behind me, the bug falling on my stand and me screaming the ever typical comment.

"Ohmygod, gross!!! Jimmy, kill it!!"

Thus, Jimmy would walk over, laugh at my hysterical reaction to the small creature and proceed to flick it off the stand. Unfortunately, Jimmy was over 200 miles away from this creature, so he couldn't flick it away for my suitemate and I. Instead, my suitemate put on a brave face, grabbed a flip-flop and proceeded to crush the creature with it.

I think my suitemate said it best as we looked at the now dead but still gross creature post-mortem.

"I swear to God, if one of those things crawls on me when I'm sleeping, I'm going to scream fucking bloody murder."

Me too, Chica. Me too.

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