Monday, November 22, 2010

What's So Great About Them? (Part 2)

Names: Peter Bishop and Olivia Dunham
Show: Fringe
Quote: Real is just a matter of perception. I am here, and I'm a part of you that you have to hold on to. You can't forget who you are, Olivia. You can't forget where you're from. You can't forget this.
What's So Great About Them? If you've ever seen Fringe, then you know it's a completely insane show. There is nothing normal about that show. Impossible does not exist. And yet, two of the main characters in the show act like all of this is completely normal... like it's just another day at the office. Olivia is always cool, calm and collected, while Peter is always up for a sarcastic or rather dry remark about whatever current situation they're in. And in the three seasons the show's been on air, these two characters have grown so much, eventually coming to trust each other. It's yet another story of an interesting partnership that, all things considered, really shouldn't work, but does anyway.