Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Politcal Heatwave

Thunderstorms have been rolling across the nation recently, and I'm not talking about the weather. It seems that like the temperatures down here in the South, the heat around politics has been rising, and not for the better. With all the debating that's been going on, it seems like now's yet another point in time where it's important to know where you stand in regards to your beliefs. With that thought in mind, I'm going to attempt to do so... to state my political beliefs on a a few topics that I personally think are important (in no particular order).

Universal Health Care
No. No no no no no. My parents work hard, and they deserve the benefits that their companies offer them. They don't take advantage of them, and in my opinion, considering how long they've both been with their respective employers, they deserve their health care benefits. And I plan to work hard and also get a job that offers benefits as well. Why should I have to lower my health care standards for someone else who's unwilling to work and earn health care benefits? Even more, why should the average citizens like my family and I be forced to give up our health care for something substandard while all the government officials get to keep theirs? That's not right, and we all know that. Listen to the people- we don't want this. Don't you government officials dare force us into something that we've spoken out against. And don't you dare attempt to make a hasty decision in regards to this.

Illegal Immigration
How can we afford to offer all these corporate bailouts and stimulus checks but not afford to build a fence across our southern border and keep it maintained and patrolled? Stop the amnesties. Send the illegal immigrants back to wherever they came from. I'm not being racist- when they obtain the proper documents, can effectively communicate in English and actually legally cross the borders, then we can let them stay. Until then, though, they need to stay in their own countries, and we need to keep them there. Close the borders, fill in all the holes. With our economic state right now, we cannot afford to have them here.

Federal government: butt out. Let the states decide how they want to run their education systems. And stop blackmailing the state education systems with this No Child Left Behind bullshit. From what I've seen, it's not really helping anyone. If anything, it's probably hindering more schools. Federal funding for test scores? What the hell kind of system is that? There've already been cases of school districts sending in fraudulent test scores- do you really think that's going to stop? No. It's not. So get your greasy paws off the education systems.

Redistribution of Wealth
Get rid of it. Right now. Personally, this is a crime in and of itself, and I call it stealing. I work hard for my money. I went out and found a steady job. Why should I have to give up my hard-earned cash to some Joe Schmoe who's unwilling to get up off his butt and get a job? You didn't work for this cash, therefore you don't deserve it. Want your share? Get a job. Then we can talk.

US Troops in Iraq
Don't get me wrong- I'm all for bringing our boys home. I've got plenty of family and friends in the military, and I'd hate to see any of them get killed. The fact of the matter is we helped instigate this current situation in Iraq. Therefore, we should help resolve it. It's our responsibility. We cannot leave that country hanging. If anything, that'll make even more nations dislike us. We've got enough enemies out there as it is. We don't need anymore.

Corporate Bailouts
Stop them. Why are you giving money to the companies that put us in our current economic problems? They don't deserve the bail outs. Why don't you focus on putting that money to better uses, like paying off the huge deficit that we have instead of creating even more of one?

Those are just some brief beliefs and observations that I've come up with. Those are my opinions. While they probably aren't thought out as well as they could be, they're better than some beliefs I've heard. Please don't bash or flame them.

I really do urge everyone to sit down and think for a little bit. Figure out your political beliefs. Perhaps it could help cool this political heat wave down some.

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