Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Mother Nature...

Dear Mother Nature,

Enough is enough. Lemme be the first to tell you the East Coast has had it with you and your blizzards. One every winter is cool. We can handle that. But two in a week? And four over the course of winter? Have you lost your mind?!?! Sweet Saint Patrick, you must be attempting to freeze us away!

What you fail to realize is that for us, snow sucks. We do not have enough resources for your wintery wrath, nor do we have the patience. People are tired of snow, tired of not being able to go anywhere, tired of winter.

I'm sick of slipping on sidewalks as I walk to class. I'm sick of bitter cold winds and soaked jeans hems. I'm sick of waiting with baited breath to find out if classes are cancelled. And I'm sick of snow. Holy Merlin, I'm sick of snow. You fail to realize that my college campus has been under at least 2 inches of snow for the past week. Now we're at two feet. Sure, I should thank you for getting me out of two days of classes, but you got me out of my easy days.

Weathermen are saying we're going to get more snow on President's Day. Please, Mother Nature, I'm begging you- let this be the last snowfall this year. No more. All I want is to be able to go more than a week-and-a-half without seeing a single snowflake.

Thank you so much.


Someone Who Is Snowver the Snowpocalypse

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